Bedouin Craft
Bedouin Craft
Bedouin Craft is a handicraft project based in the remote region of St Katherine in South Sinai, Egypt. It began through the vision of Father Moses, a monk at St. Catherine's Monastery. Any profits made are used for social projects and emergency assistance. We took care of the photography for this website and then built it on the e-commerce hosting - removing cart and checkout functionality.
SERVICESWebsite Design / Logo Design / Photography
TEMPLATEBryler“Manage My Website have done a great job revitalising my website for Bedouin crafts. The presentation is really fresh and lively with the most amazing photography and a totally innovative approach to product display. Allie Astell was - and is - a constant source of friendly help combined with smart professionalism. Would not hesitate to recommend Manage my Website - in fact I have already done so!”